Monday, January 28, 2013

Last week of January! OH MY!

Seriously, where has the month gone. I have to make a list of my accomplishments so far this year. Today was a bit of a lazy day for me. I did the dishes(actually loaded and unloaded the dishwasher) Made home made chicken soup, yummy, tough to smell it all day without eating it until dinner, but YUM. I had to call on the internet billing and on closing an old bank account. Talked to my mom also, who is having an ultrasound tomorrow for her bladder. Dad is having an eye exam and Loda is having her toenails clipped and shots. Dave and Brenda are coming up from Fargo to get it done! Rodney has emailing me at least a few times a week, I have to teach him about attachments so he can send me photos. I scanned some patterns into my computer this morning and will be ready to do some crafts in the next couple of days. Brad has given me some jeans to shorten for him and I have a few other things to finish up. I am going to start communicating by regular mail. I need to send mail to Mom, Krystle and Sarah(Andrews wife) for starters. I am trying to blog each week, but perhaps I should just try twice a month to begin. Keira had a fall off their couch a little over a week ago and was in the hospital for surgery and was released after 6 days. I mailed her some books and puzzles which she opened when she got home. I will be teaching wed and thurs this week, the customer service desk class. They have been painting and purging at the store and hope to find all my materials when I go to work tomorrow. I was invited to a group called Crookston Connections on facebook, what alot of memories coming out as the photos and comments are posted. I have invited all of my HS crookston friends who were not already on there. It is looking to be quite fun.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

First week of January 2013

Well, I have accomplished a lot in the first week of January. I am staying on my diet and trying to walk everyday with the dogs and Brad. Tonight I finished making 8 pillowcases out of an old but sturdy waterbed sheet. Cool. Nice recycle, I have been making lists and finishing projects. I have put the rest of the holiday deco away also. Last night I started working on the stiffness in my left shoulder, of course, it left me having a difficult time to sleep all night. I have to try to stretch it every day at least twice. I have started scanning photos, and compiling recipes online. A long way to go....I started reading the book "Tatoos on the Heart", so far it is pretty interesting. It is about a minister to incarcerated people and gang members. Tomorrow is a new day for a new project.!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year 2013

Wow, we made it. Brad and I went out to eat at Chevys for our anniversary last night. New Years Eve!! I made a small list of items to finish first for the New Year. First I finished sewing on two sweaters, one a button, the other tacking down pockets. Second I finished my Tunisian afghan/throw. I will add a photo soon. Brad took all the outside lights and decorations in as we started having windy days. We are putting them into the basement this weekend when we put away the inside decorations for Christmas. I am organizing my recipes online at I am putting in tried and true recipes and ingredients etc. I will give credit where due for the origin of the recipe if I know it. I have made a promise to myself to finish projects before starting any new ones, unless it is a project I have completed before and can finish it in short time. I also want to try a new stitch this year???? Let you know when I find it. Tonight I am roasting a turkey in the oven, with out the stuffing, I have also prepared cranberry sauce and coleslaw, plus put potatoes in the oven with the turkey. Brad and I want to try to eat more sensible and healthy from now on.